woaaah!..i guess its still so very early to update this so-called blog of mine but idea came rushing unstoppable to my mind and i just can't help it but to write it all down..
hmm..i love smiling..i don't know why but i just do.. :) ~ see?
i don't consider myself as too friendly kind of guy,i don't go mingle around with stranger i just knew and i don't talk too much unless i'm in a curcumstances where my thoughts needed..doesn't mean i'm a quiet n 'bongung' person thou..its just,i'd like to think myself as 'berpada2'..meaning,cakap bila perlu saja..i do have some jokes trick of my own when the excitement of starting a conversation kicked off in my head..so if i don't have any words to say,i just use my powerful weapon as a reply..my smile..
i like it when a person smile to me..one time i went to tamu Kota Belud,my mum give an 'assignment' to buy a sayur kampung called 'tomboutong'..yang masak taru pinara and lada putih tu bah..then i saw two old woman selling the stuff i wanted..lets just call them Nenek A and Nenek B..
si Nenek A punya sayur tomboutong agayo tu sinonggol dia.."piro gatang ti sonsonggol inan?",i asked si Nenek A.."duo ringgit" she replied me without looking at my face and i can sense that she is one cold lady..hmm..
so i turn to Nenek B,"itu tomboutong kau berapa satu ikat ni inan?"i asked her in BM..with a sweet smile,she answered me so friendly and warm "satu ringgit saja ondu..beli la.." looking at the size of the sayur,Nenek A punya tomboutong lagi banyak dan besar2 daa but too bad,si Nenek B is such a sweetheart gia so i decided to buy si Nenek B punya tomboutong..so after i pay her, we're exchanged smile and say thank you,i proceed to somewhere else to find the other stuff that i need..that's what i call the power of smile..it can capture hearts and calm your feeling..lagi2 kalau itu senyuman so very the sincere,damn!if you're cute and have an amazing smile,do tone it down a little when you see me ok coz its so powerful,i can't help it but to fall in love with you..plus,dimple..God have mercy! :)
i love singing..few years ago when my cousin still have their karaoke set at home,we will broke the silent of every evening and go melalak like crazy tiap2 petang..my mom wasn't very pleased bout it.."pontingayam" she said..one night she 'lecture' me.. "adi..suara kau la yg paling kuat..kotuntul.."..hahaha..it's not like she's mad baitu..just,you know la mama2..haha..then i said to her "ai,jangan kama ami..suara anak kau meti ni yg paling merdu di sana.." then i gave her the sweetest smile that i have..she just laughed and said "dai..dai..dai..kaka loi adi".. :)
smile is a well known language..everybody can understand it..if you happen to see a tourist and you can say nothing due to language barrier,just say hi and greet them with a great smile..they'll understand.. :)
there is so many reason for me to smile today..
1.i'm still alive (Thank you God)
2.there's still plenty of food di aisbuk
3.my friends and family love me
4.coz its a weekend!
have a great weekend everybody!there is no need to be all grumpy bah..smile!! :)
~Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. ~Quoted in P.S. I Love You, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.~