firstly,haha!its been awhile since i wrote in this very page i call my so-called life has been busy lately..not because i got employed or anything..its just,i'm so friggin busy having fun with my life..yeah..the last time i wrote on this once again "my so-called blog",i was in emo mode..hmm..why the because?!
so..hey..i'm back on the game!watchout bano!i know u gonna read this..thanks to my mom who did all the house work before she left to work,i now have too much time to be tortured by me here i am,sitting and listening to's a very surprisingly quiet monday morning..guess everybody is in monday blues..lazy..
God i miss writing sooooo much..well,typing actually..but whats the difference,both produce words..hmm..not funny huh?well,its not a joke..ok,let's cut the crap out dude!..err..hello,its my blog for heaven sake!i can write as many crap as i can..(i'm talking to myself..again..)
what happen to my life this passed few months?as i said before,i was busy having the time of my life..but where??(here i go again,asking myself a question)..well everywhere la..mostly at Ranau..Ranau? (.....)
Yes,Ranau...but why Ranau?why not KK? (....seriously dude,stop talking to aint cool)..well because,i met an amazing friends amazing?(dude..)really..really is one of the greatest blessing from God for me this so?(dude,this is not a kaunter pertanyaan!)well,let me tell ya a story..
hmm..bersambung di episode seterusnya...(kamu ingat Benci Bilang Cinta sama Cinta Kirana saja ka yg pandai bersambung-sambung??)..wakaka..thou,i dont do that show anyway..everywhere i go,people keep on chit-chatting bout that indon series..the only time i terwatch that show is when i limpas2 pigi dapur..
one time i caught my mom in tears wathing Cinta Kirana and i was like.."seriously mom,that show will make you go crazy..stop watching's for young people only..bagus tingu berita!"..she answered me "kesian si kirana.." with tears in her eyes..i was like, is you who pay the more thing,she can't have enough of that show,she even watch the ulangan bah..hmm..i love you mami.. :P
i wonder how am i supposed to spend my day today..mansau?well...u can't spell ENOL without MANSAU nowdays..hahaha!a big laugh to end this nonsense..wakakakaka!i love everybody! muax!
Hahahah.. bah... sambung la...cerita...
wakaka..palan2 bah.. mum too loves this Kirana and Cahaya sinetron..that is for young people and some of the 'belum akil baligh' lagi sudah bercinta2..aduh..jai ikutan budak sikul ja nanti hahaha..
sot . hihihi .
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