mum asked me to angkat padi at sarayoh just now and i'm so friggin' tired after i finished doing all that stuff..its so heavy,mosquitos are everywhere and i'm sweating like a pig!
while i was on my way to sulap,i met this 3 girls(they're sisters)..i assumed that they just came back from mindahu and on their way home..i know all of them and i was planning to wave and say a little hi to them but when i drive my car closer to them,they suddenly run into the bushes!
i'm like,what is wrong with them?mau juga malu2..but malu2 for what?if someone sees me while i was on my way to mindahu,i will proudly do my show off walk..acting like i was so damn tired and pretending to wipe my sweat on my face..haha!
hey,what to shy about with mindahu?it shows you as a hardworking person bah..don't hide your face under that sirung..just walk proudly with that basung on your back and that dangol in your waist bah!
not many sumandak that willing to mindahu anymore these days..'nanti hitam..'they said..well,truth is..i'm not a big fan of mindahu myself..haha!too lazy to even step my feet at tindohuon..
so,when i finished my work,i saw the three girls in the middle of the a distance,i saw them plucking the sayur manis..hurm,truly a kampung lifestyle..beautiful..
hahahaha i like this one... hahah come up with great story dude... nice to read.. make me smila la juga.. well.. sa faham jg tu those 3 girls punya feeling.. malu2 kunun.. me oso like dat bha dulu.. but then, now im proud to go mindahu.. no malu2 anymore.. well.. actually lama suda sa x p mindahu ni.. hahaha.. no tym bha.. kilija jauh2... balik kg pun weekend jak..hehe.. neway, keep updating!
hehe me story dude..hey maybe the girl malu sma ko ba tu dude..well you gettin' noticed kan..huhuhu..OMG Getting noticed and all??? hahaha..
damn!i'm a hotstuff now!hahah!
ya..y want 2 oso rndu mindahu,but no tym lo...miss so much the moment 2 mongomot the padi bukit,can cari sangop,nice taste...
Thumbs up!! this post really lah mengundang symn manis d hatiku...time kecik~kecik ni la activity plg sy suka..pigi MINDAHU but these days, no more....kalau time bdk~bdk nmpk kereta siap melambai~lambai lagi (mmg xda kemaluan, yg ada cuma kebahagiaan)...well, I also noticed sumthin..those girls malu sama ko baitu...mungkin gia ko mcm penculik, tulah dorang pigi tapuk!!...Now u See, Now u Don't! cheers... 3 girls kanal sa jg bah..haha..pemalu kanto dorg tu..haha!
Malu-malu la bah. Thats how sumandak shoud be. Heheh
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