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Friday, July 20, 2012


now i'm officially 26 years old.
as i recall my journey in life,faces of people i love and lost along the way flashing in my head.i feel no pain nor regret for things that passed for i'm taking both happy and sad moment as a valueable lesson that i wouldn't trade for anything.
happy moment-all things must come to an end eventually they said.well,i dont approve it.everything have its timing and when one seems to end,doesnt matter what it is,happy or the opposite,it is merely because that particular moment in time is opening the way for the new one to happen.there will be a happy moment and there will be some not so happy moment but hey,we live for the moment and moment will change when its time is seasonal i must say.everytime i'm down,i just remind myself that there's a better day short,life is a dick.sometime you up,next time you down.there!haha~
sad moment-time will heal almost everything..hmm,but how?by making you forget?maybe,but i  think it can only works its magic if you let it.your powerful tools is your own see,the pain or sorrow is actually never goes away,never is yourself that gotten stronger to bear it.making the pain a little less coz you can handle so much only remedy to overcome a dissapointment and pain,to stay hold and strong is by telling myself there is more to life than that so i choose to be happy.easier said than done but again,you are your own powerful tool.take control of your mind,emotion and will find that you are actually stronger than what you think you are.just relax and change those negative energy in you to something that benefits yourself,let go of the pain and regrets that limits you to be happy!.
An as for the bad decisions i have made in my life,i accept the fact that its been done and i cant undo it for i cant turn back the time but i'm still alive and every single second of it is my chance for redemption.i have forgiven myself and i made peace with it.
most of all,thank you God for the wonderful 26 years of my life.
~i am blessed

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